
Google introduces new Android OS called "Android L"

Google gave a high-level overview of
Android L during its Google I/O keynote
on Wednesday, including what it calls
Material design. Though all previous
versions of Android have had a candy-
themed name, this version is just "L" -
for now.

Here are some more feature Google didn't announce during the presentation of the new Android OS :

•64-bit trusted execution environment
•Activity transitions
•ART [the new app execution environment]
•audio patch panel
•Battery historian
•Battery Saver mode
•BLE central & peripheral modes [Fixing the
•Android-to-wearables equation]
•Bluetooth 4.1
•Burst-mode camera APIs
•Cast receiver [Android TV and Chromecast
•Closed caption
•Color extractor
•Color inversion
•Color space correction
•Do not disturb
•Document-centric multi-tasking [Interesting ...]
•H.265 [a new format especially for 4K video]
hardware-assisted hot-word [voice control
•Heads-up notifications
•HFP 1.6 SAP [A Bluetooth profile for cars]
•improved AV sync
•Improved battery stats, predicted time remaining
•Improved game controller support
•Improved text rendering
•Lock to app APIs
•Lockscreen notifications
•Low latency audio recording
•Map Email [That's probably MAPI, which is
•Microsoft Outlook email]
•Material theme
multi HFP [So you can have Android in the car
*and* a BT headset]
•NDK media APIs
•New quick settings
•OpenGL ES 3.1 & Android Extension Pack
•Path animations
•Personal unlocking
•Phone rotation lock
•Time on lock screen
•Time to charge
•TV input framework [key for Android TV]
•USB audio
•View elevation
•View shadows
•Volte [Voice-over-LTE, a new voice system cell-
phone carriers are rolling out

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