Home » Technology » Linux Operating System cries for Help
Linux Operating System cries for Help
By smith • 19:15:00 • Technology • Comments : 0
Help Wanted: computer programmers needed to code and maintain Linux systems.
The Linux operating system and Linux servers are so widely used today that not enough Linux-trained coders and system techs exist. Software developers and enterprise IT departments have jobs but no takers.
To fill this shortage, the Linux Foundation has partnered with edX to offer a free online course to help computer engineers learn Linux.
The growing shortage of Linux-capable programmers is a big contributor to the general unawareness of open source procedures in the software developer community. On the academic front, some universities and secondary school systems are introducing courses developed by the Stem Education Coalition. STEM's mission is to inform federal and state policymakers about the critical role that science, technology and engineering play, and the benefits available to schools from open source technology.
On the job front, some industry leaders are joining forces to jumpstart a Linux of Learning movement to help ease the growing shortage of qualified programmers to take waiting jobs.
"This shortage goes beyond merely not having enough Linux programmers. It is pervasive and goes across every sector of technology -- mainly because Linux is pervasive. Part of the issue is that you can not just take programmers proficient in one area, such as Windows, and have them work on Linux code," Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation, told LinuxInsider.
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