
Human Brain

The human brain
     Human brain does a lot in our livelihood, which can help us to create, initiate, and maintain sensitivity.
Although mankind has accumulate a lot pleasure from initiative and thinking and also mind reasoning. If a situation an individual wasn't able to make use of his brain well the person is said to be mad. The human brain is very important because it’s know how clever an individual is.

     Furthermore, according to Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary which defined Brain as the organ of the body inside the head that control thought, memory and feelings. It can also be said to be an organ of soft nervous tissues contained in the skull of the vertebrate, functioning as the coordinating centre of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.

     Every animal you can think of; mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, has a brain. But human brain is the unique. Although it is not the largest, it gives us the power to speak, imagine, and solve our problems. It’s an amazing organ.

     Also the different between human brain and mind cannot be over emphasised. The brain is tangible. It is the leader of the nervous system in human and animals alike and is an actual physical organ. While the mind in intangible. It is capable of conscious thought and of controlling the brain. According to Deepak Chopra who proposed that “you need to look to the mind instead of the brain when it comes to treating depression”.

     However, human brain performs some functions in human body like;
v It controls body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing.
v It accepts a flood of information about the world around you from your nervous sensory organs
v It handles your physical movement when walking , talking , standing and sitting
v It lets you think, dream, reason and experience emotions.

     All these task are coordinated, controlled by the brain.
Nevertheless, human brain can be taken care of in a one intense way;  every time you hit your head you lose 50 brain cells and every time someone punches you , you lose 500, so my advice is that you should avoid been hitting your head or being punched.

    The brain is the most amazing complex organ of the human body. It sends and receive signals and nearly 5000 billion helper cells that support the activity and survival of neurons. These cells allow us to calculate our changes at the store and remember the name or our teachers.

     First information is acquire from our senses (like seeing and touching a cup). This information is then sent to a region of our brain that puts together all of the stimuli in the environment (such as the colour and temperature of the cup). This region then sends the information to other regions for more process and finally it is stored as a memory.

     Finally , some necessary facts discovered by scientist about the brain. A study from Columbia University found that people have been relying more on the internet, less on their brains. That means your brain is going to forget more things overtime.

     Also the human brain doesn't feel pains that’s why surgeons perform brain surgery on a patient why they are still awake.
Sorry ladies men’s brains are 10 times bigger

     Why do we laugh ? we don’t know that true laughter comes involuntary that’s why the milky comes gushing out our nose.
And finally your brain is more active when you sleep

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